Hellas Environment’s aim is to expand its activity in Greece and the wider European Union region and to provide services and solutions to general environmental problems, having strong knowledge of waste treatment and management and being focused on the coverage of the current and future needs.
The participation of the human resources in seminars and their continuous training is thought to be necessary, in order to monitor continuously the progress of the technology and the methods and techniques applied on environmental management issues. Thus, the company is kept fully informed and able to confront the increasing needs of customers.

To obtain this objective, Hellas Environment has developed a flexible operation system for the protection of the environment and the public health form the increasing pollution caused by human and industries activity. The protection of the employees, the community and the ecosystem require the application of safe methods and procedures for the treatment of waste, whatever the source. At national level and concerning the social responsibility, our company considers the organization of hazardous waste management center very important and it intends to provide any technical support.
The company is strongly interested in achieving cooperation with big firm established overseas for the supply of the required equipment for industrial wastewater, municipal wastewater and drinking water treatment plants, and even exclusive representation of these in Greece. Moreover, within the continuous growth, the company intends to create a new department for chemical consumables and filter materials for the operation of the above treatment facilities, to cover the needs of existing and new customers.